Student Amateur Radio Association
Grand Forks, North Dakota
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Mission Statement
To promote the advancement of the art, science, public service, and fellowship of amateur radio.
Vision Statement
The promotion of interest in Amateur Radio communication, experimentation, and research.
The advancement of the radio art.
The fostering of education in the field of electronic radio communication.
Conduct programs and activities that advance the interests of amateur radio, the University community, the city, the state, and the nation.
Expand the presence of the University of North Dakota by the establishment of Amateur Radio networks to provide radio communications to aid in the safe conduct of public and university events and the event of disasters or other emergencies.
Enrich the student experience by providing opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Utilize amateur radio to facilitate collaboration with academic programs and extracurricular activities.
Club Information
Meeting Information: All are welcome
Meeting Day: Wednesday
Meeting Day: Wednesday
Meeting Time: 6:00 PM
Meeting Frequency: Weekly
Meeting Location: 6th Floor Columbia Hall
Advisor: Ronald Fevig
Advisor E-Mail Address:
Advisor Phone Number: 701.777.6790
Advisor Campus Department: Space Studies
Membership Primarily: Undergraduate
Annual events:
ARRL Field Day School Club Round-Up
"Fox Hunt"
President Name: Jacob Van Wie
President E-Mail: