Student Amateur Radio Association

Grand Forks, North Dakota

Join us! It will only take a minute

Enjoy the best ham radio club in the Grand Forks Area!

SARA is has been a continuously operating ham radio club at UND. No matter your experience, no matter where you are, SARA is happy to be your ham radio club of choice!

Donate! Help SARA support our community!

Mission Statement

To promote the advancement of the art, science, public service, and fellowship of amateur radio.

Vision Statement

Club Information

Meeting Information: All are welcome
Meeting Day: Wednesday

Meeting Time: 6:00 PM

Meeting Frequency: Weekly

Meeting Location: 6th Floor Columbia Hall

Advisor: Ronald Fevig

Advisor E-Mail Address: 

Advisor Phone Number: 701.777.6790

Advisor Campus Department: Space Studies

Membership Primarily: Undergraduate

Annual events:

President Name: Jacob Van Wie

President E-Mail: