Club Meetings
The University of North Dakota Student Amatuer Radio Association meets at:
6th Floor, Room 6000, Columbia Hall
501 N Columbia Rd, Grand Forks, ND 58203
We would love to have you come and visit us!
If you are already a ham and would like to just check out the club, or if you are not yet a ham and are looking to find out what Amateur Radio is all about, we recommend that you come by the clubhouse and join us during a Hobby/Operating Night or for a Lesson Meeting. Business meetings are exactly that – when the club discusses club business. Those meetings are not nearly as fun and social as our other gatherings.
Meeting Schedule:
Every Thursday (Hobby/Operating Night), 6:00 PM, Columbia Hall 6th Floor
TBD (Lesson Meeting)
Last Friday of Every Month (Business meetings), 3:00 PM, Clifford Hall 5th Floor